
Ferdi hellweger
Ferdi hellweger

EWB-NEU is using the obtained data to better assess the various options to bring water to El Carrizalito and to determine what further research is needed. PMID: 17171243 DOI: 10. Hellweger Source: Lake and reservoir management 2019 v.35 no.1 pp. Affiliation 1 Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA.

ferdi hellweger

In addition, the design is sensitive to the unique needs of the village that have developed through communication with the group. Ferdi L Hellweger 1, Will Miller, Kehinde Sarat Oshodi. The research completed in the village included town meetings with the community, water quality testing, land surveying, site visits with a hydrogeologist to determine the possibility of digging wells, and meeting with electrical engineers for the options of extending the electrical grid for powering of a pump.


On this trip, EWB-NEU obtained valuable information to determine several options for the village, which included: a gravity fed system using a new water source, a rainwater catchment system, a well with a hand pump, or pumping water at the current source and evaluation of methods for powering that pump. Please send your written application with the reference number and the usual documents (letter of motivation, CV, reference letter, certificates (PhD, Master, Bachelor), list of publications and link to PhD, all combined in a pdf file, max. Microcystin can occupy certain sites on the enzymes important for life processes in the bacteria. The Northeastern University Chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB-NEU) traveled to El Carrizalito in December 2011 to perform assessment activities to determine the feasibility of different water system designs. While microcystin is a strong toxin for humans and animals, it’s highly beneficial for cyanobacteria, said Ferdi Hellweger, chair of Water Quality Engineering at TU Berlin’s Institute of Environmental Technology and lead author of the Science paper. Please send your written application with the reference number and the usual documents (letter of motivation, CV, reference letter, certificates (PhD, Master, Bachelor), list of publications and link to PhD, all combined in a pdf file, max.

ferdi hellweger

The people in this community must walk down a mountain to their water source and carry enough water back to their homes for their whole family every day. El Carrizalito is a community of 186 people in rural Honduras that have limited access to clean water.

Ferdi hellweger